An overview of what you need to know about day to day life at Crofton Downs Primary.
School DayLearners arrive from 8.30am
8.55am - Our day begins 10.35 - 11.15am Morning Tea 12.50 - 1.30pm Lunch 3.00pm School day finishes AttendanceWe appreciate a phone call before 8.45 (if possible) in the morning if your child will not be attending school that day because the school secretary will ring parents of children who are not at school and from whom we have not heard.
The crossing outside the main gate is patrolled before and after school by year 6 children and parents or teachers.
Road patrolThe staff are very grateful to the parents who offer to help with this as the times that the patrol is needed are also important times for the staff to be in their classrooms and available to children and parents.
For the safety of the children it is important that parents and children use the crossing and do not park on yellow lines.
Before and after school careOur school has a great before and after school care service.
About SPARK Club As our name reflects we are a Club full of SPARK where we all get excited about having fun. SPARK Club is not school, it's a programme where your children come to relax and enjoy themselves. We provide a structured programme of activities accommodating a wide range of interests. Our care is underpinned by our school expectations and values following the school rules. ENROL HERE (Bookings open now!) LunchesChildren should bring a packed lunch and drink from home each day. On a fortnightly Fridays we offer a sausage sizzle for the children to buy if they wish. Funds from the sale of sausages are used to support the biennial school camp for year 5 and 6 students. We also offer Sushi every second Thursday and alternative Thursday Teriyaki Chicken. This must be ordered in advance and we send out a reminder email that week.
School clothingThere's no official uniform at Crofton Downs Primary School but many children like to wear items of school clothing which are available for sale through the office. These include school T-shirts, Polar Fleeces, Hoodies and house T-shirts.
Lost propertyIf clothing is named it is very easy for us to return belongings to their owner. Unnamed clothing is much more difficult to return so we really appreciate it if clothing is named. We keep the lost property in a large bin in the office.
If children choose to bring precious belongings to school, we are unable to take responsibility for them and it is therefore at their own risk. We ask children to hand any valuables, such as money, to their teacher for safe keeping.
Wheels dayWednesday and Thursday are our wheels days. Children can bring bikes, scooters, roller blades etc to school to ride on our new bike track. Children must wear helmets and protective gear in order to ride. Scooters and bikes must be walked over to the bike rack and not ridden across the playground. Apart from these rules, have fun!